Art GCSE Mock Pictures from Eltham Hill

Monday, December 29, 2008 at 21:03

We had two themes: Portraits and Masks, so we covered 2D and 3D. We are very pleased with the outcomes, which are imaginative and competent. I'll be posting some photographic coursework in January, based on ideas from Cindy Sherman.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 13:02

Trafalgar Square Joiner, originally uploaded by fotologic.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a highly creative New Year from everyone at Thomas Tallis School.

Hello from Eltham Hill

Saturday, December 20, 2008 at 18:28
Hi everyone,
If all goes to plan I'll be posting pics of recent GCSE Photography work and some of our GCSE mock exam art soon.
Eltham Hill Art Department

Shine Week 2009

Tuesday, December 09, 2008 at 18:04
If you haven't yet registered for this year's national Shine Week, now's as good a time to do it as any. Last year, Tallis was visited by Gordon Brown and Ed Balls and we enjoyed a massive variety of activities designed to showcase the talents of our students. It was great fun and a good excuse to be a little anarchic. On one day we had two members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra wandering around school, in and out of lessons, playing very loud brass instruments without any warning. We're looking forward to a lot more of that kind of thing this year.

New Enquiry Schools

at 17:26
I received an email today from Rebecca Branch at A New Direction (the new name for the London office of Creative Partnerships). I had asked her if there would be any further opportunities for our partner schools to get involved in the national C P programme. This is her response:

There will be another round of applications for the Enquiry School
programme beginning around Easter next year for a September 09 start.
We have to expand to more boroughs so are currently in the process of
working out how many places there will be for Greenwich schools but I
can certainly let you know and it'd be great if you could flag it with
them as appropriate.

The other thing that we are hoping to develop in the new year (this is
as A New Direction outside the CP programme) is a kind of 'membership'
scheme - this isn't quite the right word, but the kind of thing we're
looking at is providing a mechanism to support and encourage schools to
share practice, work together on a shared/ common interest area of
research, come to a couple of events etc - do you get the idea? I've
got to work it up a bit yet...again, we can certainly feed these schools
into that.

Hope this helps.

With best wishes


This is encouraging news and means that some, if not all, of our partner schools will have a chance of becoming involved in Creative Partnerships. As I made clear at the meeting recently, I am more than happy to support any of you who wish to make an application and I will continue to lobby C P to offer you the chance. If you do want to get involved, it might be a good idea to start thinking about this and finding out more about Enquiry Schools as soon as possible. Let me know if you need me to help you find the necessary information. In addition, I think we should all register our interest in the "membership" scheme Rebecca mentions. Sounds like it will also be a way for us to share best practice and attarct useful interest in our shared commitment to creative learning.

Creative Communities Day Video

Thursday, December 04, 2008 at 16:00

Go! Animate

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 at 21:38
A colleague has just alerted me to the Go! Animate website which allows anyone to create cartoon style animations in just a few clicks of the mouse. I thought I'd have a go at creating one based on our recent meeting and managed this in just 20 minutes. I had a couple of conversations on the day about how exciting animation can be with young people. Maybe this could be a resource we all have a go at using in the classroom so that we can share our experiences here? It's something that could be done on an interactive whiteboard with a small group or in the computer suite with everyone making their own films. Tell me what you think.

Creative Community Meeting

Monday, December 01, 2008 at 19:25

Thanks to everyone who attended the Creative Community meeting today at Devonport House. It was really refreshing to work alongside colleagues from different schools who are all interested in promoting creativity and keen to share ideas about how best to do this. I will make sure that a contingent from Tallis visits you in your schools again soon to consult with you in a bit more detail about your aspirations for this year. Please feel free to use this blog as a place to share anxieties, links to online resources, requests for help, information and anything else you think is appropriate so that we can strengthen our creative community. I would like to organise another meeting shortly after Christmas so ideas about which days might be good on a postcard please.

Check back soon to see the final version of Eelyn's film of the day.
at 17:29
Hi. Great to meet you all at the Creative Communities Day. Here's a good link for the MPC on YouTube. This guy has some great ideas once you get past his haircut speech, also he seems to be quite prolific. Cheers Nick