Go! Animate

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 at 21:38
A colleague has just alerted me to the Go! Animate website which allows anyone to create cartoon style animations in just a few clicks of the mouse. I thought I'd have a go at creating one based on our recent meeting and managed this in just 20 minutes. I had a couple of conversations on the day about how exciting animation can be with young people. Maybe this could be a resource we all have a go at using in the classroom so that we can share our experiences here? It's something that could be done on an interactive whiteboard with a small group or in the computer suite with everyone making their own films. Tell me what you think.


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  3. Jon Says:

    Hi Nick
    I've just tried it again and it works fine on my machine. Maybe you need a newer version of Adobe's Flash player? Just a thought.

  4. Got it now
    Ta Nick